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What makes people tick?

I am currently reading Influence by Robert Cialdini. It is actually helping me understand what makes people tick. In this book Robert explains the psychology of why people say "yes"—and how to apply these understandings in your life. I believe that it's important to expand your mind and develop yourself personally on many subjects.Whether you are a business owner or a domestic engineer it's perfect for people in all walks of life.

The principles of Influence will move you toward profound personal change and act as a driving force for your success.

Where all think alike, no one

thinks very much.


A quote I read in this book that gave me one of those famous Ah-ha moments or light bulb moments if you will. In this chapter for example the author writes; " Our tendency to assume that an action is more correct if others are doing it is exploited in a variety of settings. Bartenders often “salt” their tip jars with a few dollar bills at the beginning of the evening to simulate tips left by prior customers and thereby to give the impression that tipping with folding money is proper barroom behavior." We simply assume we are supposed to tip with bills because that is what others are doing. When you were unsure of the proper action to take, what do you do? You look around and see what others are doing and you do it! (Lightbulb Moment) We do that, but we don't think about the fact that everyone else is doing the same exact thing because that is what they see and who started that original flow. The Bartender!

So if you just need a few reminders of things you already know, if you think about it or you are wondering what makes people say yes or no, this is a definite read for gentle reminders.

I download this to read on my Kindle App, here's the link if you are intrigued

I will be ordering the printed copy to add to my library, I believe that I will be referring back to this book often because this was just one example of the many Ah-ha moments reading this book gave me.

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